Bringing Baby Home

Monday, March 22, 2010

Diaper Situation Under Control

Okay, so I took lots of the advice that you all gave me! And in the last five nights, Bear has only leaked out once, so it looks like it's working. We are using Luvs diapers (went up to a size 3) with a cloth diaper liner inside and a cloth diaper cover outside as a soaker. Thank you all for helping me solve this ridiculous problem! Bummer is that Bear still isn't sleeping any later. I was hoping that he was waking up early because he was wet, but it looks like he's just an early riser!


Blogger Julie said...

Glad to hear things are drying out up there! Are you kidding...size 3 diapers and he is 2 months younger than Anna?! Holy Moly! We seem to have crazy sleep here, too....she will NOT go to bed before 10 pm...go figure?! So glad you are as bad of a blog stalker as me!! HaHaHa!

March 24, 2010 at 12:26 PM  

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