Bringing Baby Home

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Goodbye to Nursing

Well, after much thought and deliberation, I've decided to retire my boobs.

I truly want what is in Bear's very best interest, but it was really hard to decide what would be best for him concerning breastfeeding. Now, I know all of you are thinking "Well, breast is best... duh!" but our situation really is so much more complicated than that. When you are trying to start a nursing relationship with a baby that you are just getting to know and love, the decision to nurse becomes about much much more than just the facts. So, I began weighing the pros and cons (for us) of breastfeeding versus bottle feeding. Here are the main things I was considering:

Nursing Pros:
1. Nutritional benefits
2. Prepares baby's mouth for speech
3. Helps in sensory development
4. Time with mama

Nursing Cons:
1. Time. We would have to supplement due to the fact that I was hardly producing anything. So, we'd spend hours a day nursing and then have to prepare bottles (to fill practically all of his nutritional needs) and sit with him while he eats those too.
2. Bonding. Nursing is supposed to help mother and baby bond, but I assure you it was doing just the opposite in our case.
3. I was the only one who could nurse Bear. ( I realize that's selfish thinking, but it's honest.)

Bottle Feeding Pros:
1. Nutritional benefits, since we will only be feeding him breast milk in his bottles.
2. Time with mama (0r daddy) since we always hold him when he's drinking his bottles.
3. Bonding! Bottle feeding truly makes our relationship so much more loving. The stresses of nursing were just pushing us away from each other, and that's just not acceptable in an adoptive family situation.
4. Thomas can feed the baby a bottle when I am too burnt out to put the effort in.

So then I got to thinking about my motives for nursing Bear. Now, of course my main desire was to give Bear the very best, but I also discovered that one of my deep down motivations was pride. (Which is bad, according to the Bible!) I was proud that I was doing something that most people never could or would get to do. I was proud that I had put all this time and effort into getting to the point that I could actually nurse him. I wanted to do it because I told people I would do it. Now, that's not the right heart.

Someone encouraged me to "Do what you KNOW is right and not what you FEEL." I was doing what I felt I had to do to prove something to other people. What I know is right is for Bear to have a strong and loving relationship with his mommy, and anything that was getting in the way of that was surely not right for us! The same woman also said "I believe God put this strong desire in your heart for a reason" and I think that's true. But I don't think the reason is because I need to nurse Bear. I think, rather, that God had a couple of lessons for me to learn.

1. Things don't always have to be just the way I planned for them to be. There can be great blessing even if things turn out differently!
2. I need to stay true to God and do what is best for my family instead of trying to impress everyone else!
3. Be thankful for what I've got! God allowed me to nurse Bear for a whole month. How many adoptive mothers get the opportunity to do this? What an experience!

I've realized that even though we didn't make it to my original goal of nursing Bear until his first birthday, we did get to nurse for a whole month. And I stored up a bunch of pumped and frozen milk for him before he came home! All the time that I put into getting to the point of lactating was not a waste!

I'm happy with the way things went. I fought hard for us to nurse- nursing him was not easy. And I'm happy that I didn't give up because it was hard, but I chose to stop because it was not giving Bear with what he desperately needs: a mommy.

We're not nursing anymore, and I can honestly say that our relationship has grown and flourished since we stopped. I have no doubt that bottle feeding breast milk is exactly what we needed to do.


Blogger Rebekah said...

Writing out the pros and cons list always sounds kind of corny but, in the end, it is always so helpful! Happy Bonding and Happy Bottle-feeding to you!

March 14, 2010 at 9:45 AM  
Blogger the fortenberrys said...

I'm glad you are happy with your decision, Sarah! There is no doubt that you are a great Mom to Bear and I'm glad you have found a way to make things work for you guys. After all, like you said, that's all the matters!

March 14, 2010 at 2:32 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Sarah, what a well thought out post! I am so impressed by your efforts to give your son the best...So glad you were able to find what was best for your family, too! Sounds like everyone won....and you get a well deserved rest!!!

March 14, 2010 at 3:33 PM  
Blogger Sharon @ Texas to Ethiopia said...

Thanks for posting this! If we give it a shot and it doesn't go well then I will know I'm not the only one.

So are you going to just use up the rest of your frozen milk, or are you going to keep pumping a little? I need to dig the ol pump out here eventually...

March 14, 2010 at 8:28 PM  
Blogger triplejwharris said...

Sarah, I'm so glad you found peace about this. Don't think this decision is isolated to adoptive parents, either. When Jolene was born, I had a medical reason I couldn't nurse her. So, no breast milk for her. Although I believe in the mantra, "breast is best," I think it is a guideline, not a rule. When I had Wyatt and we CHOSE to bottle feed him, too, I heard a lot of judgment about it. But it didn't matter. I knew us. I knew the rhythms of our family. And it has all worked out just fine. We all have to do the best we can do, weigh the criticism and ignore it when necessary, and trust God for the rest.
Those pics are terrific!

March 15, 2010 at 10:36 AM  
Blogger Angela said...

Hey Sarah! Just saw Roxanne's gorgeous photos of your boy and read back through your blog. Amazing! I think you've made a wise observation re. the bonding issue - sometimes bottle feeding IS a more bonding experience. Congratulations on the new addition!

March 15, 2010 at 11:56 AM  
Blogger Missy said...

It is so awesome watching you and Thomas grow through this experience and how God is moving in your lives. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

March 16, 2010 at 2:21 AM  
Blogger Colie said...

Hi! I'm new to your blog. I found it and wanted to follow it because we are adopting from Ethiopia and I was considering nursing. I wanted to so badly and had that plan. Then, after an emotional reaction to something someone said about nursing an adoptive child, my husband and I talked about it. We decided that it was better for us to focus on attachment and bonding than on breastfeeding. It was a hard decision but I also realized that it was pride that made me want to do it so badly. Pride as well as the strong desire for others to see that I was the mama. I didn't think I'd have the emotional stability to stop if it wasn't working out. Your post encouraged me and allowed me to see your experience and how much it did work and then your ability to stop after it didn't. Thanks for sharing!

March 16, 2010 at 1:20 PM  
Blogger Our journey to Ethiopia said...

Sarah I am so glad that you made the decision that is best for your family. That is always the best way. We love you and are praying for you guys.

March 18, 2010 at 8:45 PM  

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