Bringing Baby Home

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One Week!

Well, we leave one week from today, and the preparations are in full swing. It has been pretty stressful trying to think of everything we may need and trying to get all of it done and ready. It's really hard packing when I don't truly know what our circumstances will be like, much less packing for a baby that we don't actually know yet. It's much harder trying to figure out what to bring for Bear than I thought it would be. For instance, will he be nursing or will he need formula? Bring formula just in case. How much and what kind? Two kinds and lots, just in case. Will he like the bottles we bring, and what about nipples? Bring three different kinds of nipples, just in case. Will he want pacifiers? Bring 5 different kinds. What size clothes does he wear? Bring three different sizes. What size diapers? And how many? Bring LOTS of two different sizes.


Whew! To be quite honest, I'm just ready to get this part of the adoption journey over with and be back home with my WHOLE family, resting and getting to know each other and finding our new "normal". Not to say that I'm not STOKED to see Ethiopia, and to hold my sweet boy for the first time. I am so stoked. I can't wait for those things. I'm just so done with packing and paperwork!

We heard about this idea from other families. We will be gone for ten days, so we wrapped ten presents for Brenner. This way he can have a visual of how long we will be gone and see the days counting down as the presents disappear! I think Brenner will really like this (what kid doesn't like presents?) and hopefully it will make the time away from Mommy and Daddy just a little easier. One more thing checked off my list!

As many of you know, I'm going to nurse Bear. It's amazing how normal this seems to me now, considering I didn't even know adoptive nursing was possible a year ago! Things on this front are going well. This has been my process so far:

1. 1 BCP pill every day for six months.
2. 2 Dom pills 4x a day every day for six months.
3. Increase Dom to 3 Dom pills 3 time a day.
4. 9 Fenugreek tablets each day.
5. 9 Blessed thistle tablets each day.
6. Cut out all mint and peppermint. (including switching toothpaste, gum, and chapstick)
7. Pumping once an hour every hour during the day
8. Pumping 3 times during the night.
9. Mama's milk tea
10. Lots of oatmeal!

Needless to say, it's been an uphill battle, but one I'm proud to have been fighting. As of now I am making 12oz a day for my sweet little one, and freezing and saving every drop I get for when baby gets home. What an honor to be able to give this gift to my son!


Blogger Missy said...

Sarah, I am so, so excited for you. I feel so blessed to have been able to share part of this journey with you. Praying for you!

January 27, 2010 at 3:07 PM  
Blogger Roxanne Pearce Photography said...

ahhhh, I love this post!!!! Thanks for sharing what all you are doing to make milk, I will start doing a lot of that! Didn't know about the mint! And I'm only taking one thing of fenugreek. I am still only getting dribbles. *rips out hair*
Love you. Love you. Love you. Want to chat with you before you guys leave. xoxox

January 27, 2010 at 5:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow I did not realize all you had to go thruough for the milk process..interesting. We are excited for you and to meet our new grandson. We hope you are safe and have a safe trip there and back. Love you and you are in our prayers.

January 28, 2010 at 6:00 AM  
Blogger Nicollini said...

WOW! I'm so proud of you Sarah! Everything that you have done and are doing to prepare not only for the trip but for Bear's arrival home is absolutely AMAZING! And the present idea for Brenner, how cool! :) I will be continuing to pray for you all! I'm so excited for you guys to finally be able to bring your baby home! I love you!

January 28, 2010 at 4:02 PM  
Blogger the fortenberrys said...

I loved this post. You are quite the lady, Sarah, to put yourself through all this to give him the best you can give him. Props to you! I am praying for a wonderful and safe trip with as smooth a transition as possible when you return home. Love you!

January 29, 2010 at 7:29 AM  
Blogger George said...

I've never really known what all goes into nursing when there isn't a birth involved...great info to know...for the next probably, since we will hopefully be brining our little one home in 3 months.

Great job...a great gift for your new sweet boy!

January 29, 2010 at 6:03 PM  
Blogger The Taupes said...

Wow, I've never known anyone who's actually done this. I really admire you. Good luck with all your packing!

January 30, 2010 at 7:21 PM  
Blogger Our journey to Ethiopia said...

Wow, Sarah I am really proud of you! What a great start for your little guy. I am so excited for you, I know what you are feeling right now and I am praying for your family everyday. What an exciting time you are in! Love you,

January 30, 2010 at 9:05 PM  
Blogger Sharon @ Texas to Ethiopia said...

I am so excited to hear you're doing this!! I nursed my 3 bio sons and I am wondering if it is going to be possible to nurse our child from ET too!!! I'm allergic to reglan and I know they use that a lot but have looked into all of the ther supplements and the lact-aid system. Let me know how it goes!!!!

February 3, 2010 at 7:31 AM  

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