Holy camoly!
We will meet Berynger exactly one week from today!
Well, we leave one week from today, and the preparations are in full swing. It has been pretty stressful trying to think of everything we may need and trying to get all of it done and ready. It's really hard packing when I don't truly know what our circumstances will be like, much less packing for a baby that we don't actually know yet. It's much harder trying to figure out what to bring for Bear than I thought it would be. For instance, will he be nursing or will he need formula? Bring formula just in case. How much and what kind? Two kinds and lots, just in case. Will he like the bottles we bring, and what about nipples? Bring three different kinds of nipples, just in case. Will he want pacifiers? Bring 5 different kinds. What size clothes does he wear? Bring three different sizes. What size diapers? And how many? Bring LOTS of two different sizes.
We got our travel dates!!! We leave for Ethiopia on February 3rd and come home on the 13th. I CANNOT believe I'm actually going to meet, and hold, and kiss and snuggle my sweet little man!!!!
Well, we got an update yesterday on Bear. I love reading about our sweet baby boy. The update was written on December 3rd, so he was almost 5 months then. Here are the highlights from the update: